Purity is more about wearing a ring on your finger. It's about the commitment you make to God about waiting and finding the right partner. Too many teens these days are participating in sexual acts that seem like a great/fun idea at the time, but can lead to many problems. One problem in particular is sexually transmitted diseases. Humans are sexual beings, but that doesn't mean one should just go out there and get with everyone they can. There are so many temptations out in the real world and a lot of teens fail to recognize the work of the devil.
Lately, I've seen a lot of people wearing purity rings around school. I'm not sure where they purchased them, but it makes me angry that these same kids are the ones going around and having sex with each other. For some reason it's "cool" to look and act like a christian in front of a big group, but when they get outside of the group they go back on their true feelings. They are a completely different person and forget about their decision to stay pure.
In addition to STDs, sexual acts before marriage can cause emotional scaring. I knew a girl in high school that had sex with her boyfriend after dating for only a month. Turns out, he was also getting with other girls and ended up cheating on her a lot. This caused a lot of damage to her psych and she ended up committing suicide. Teenagers fail to recognize emotional depression caused by sexual actions.
The Bible says that thou shall not have pre-marital sex. I wish more people would think about that before going out and having casual sex. There are consequences for every action. You can wear a purity ring but if it doesn't keep you from impure actions then what's the point of wearing it to begin with.
I'm really afraid that these celebrities that wear purity rings (see: Jo Bros, Miley Cyrus, Jordan Sparks) really wear them for image reinforcement. Especially the disney stars. I find it hard to believe that they actually believe in sexual purity. A recent South Park episode made fun of the jewelry that the Jonas Brothers wear by having Mickey Mouse force them to wear the purity rings to maintain their clean image. It was definitely a funny episode, but it really got me thinking. Do these kids wear the rings because they're told to? Or do they wear them because they believe in the message? We'll never know the truth but I do find it interested that one of the Jo Bros decided to stop wearing his ring recently. Does that mean he's having sex? Of course, it's non of our business, but what message is that sending little girls everywhere?
The truth is, Purity isn't about a piece of jewelry that you wear on your finger. It's about God and making a promise and commitment to yourself that you'll save yourself till marriage.
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