Saturday, September 18, 2010

Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene. Did she make him ditch the Purity Ring?

Recently, there has been a lot of news about Joe Jonas and his decision to stop wearing his purity ring. Before we all jump to conclusions, let's take a step back and learn just what purity rings are. Here's what wikipedia has to say about them.

Purity rings were originally created by Lifeway Christian under the name of "True Love Waits". These rings symbolized one's commitment to withstanding pre-marital sex. The rings came with a commitment card that you signed and once signed you're supposed to honor that commitment until you're married. Once you tie the knot, you're allowed to take off the purity ring and have sex. The Bible says you're not supposed to have sex with anyone until you get married so this makes sense.

So why would Joe ditch the purity ring? Maybe it has something to do with Ashley Greene being a vampire from Twilight. Vampires are closely associated with the devil. Right?

I think this situation isn't as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be. Just because he took off his purity ring doesn't mean he's going to have lots of sex. For all we know, Joe decided that wearing a ring isn't cool anymore. I've heard from lots of guys that wearing jewelry is annoying so that could be a legitimate reason for dumping the purity ring.

It's none of our business if he decides to have sex with her. It's also none of our business to point fingers and say she's corrupting him. But let's be honest, it does sound like Ashley Greene is sucking a little more than blood...

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